Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It Been A While....

It;s been quite a while since I've written and quite a bit has happened. I went to Washington DC with Invisible Children to get a bill passed to help stop the war in Northern Uganda. And that was great fun. I have pictures up on my Facebook so head over and check it out if you haven't already. But this is a blog about books so I'll save the updates about my life for my other web pages :) I've read quite a few books since I've last written. But the ones that truly stand out are The Language of God and The Name of the Wind.
The Language of God is a great book for those who question whether or not science and faith can live harmoniously together. It was written by the head of The Human Genome Project, Dr. Francis Collins. He does an amazing job of blending science and the bible to prove that both are correct and that one can be a scientist and a believer/follower. Since I've returned to my faith and am a scientist through and through, I always get asked how it's possible for me to be both because they have conflicting ideals and this book explains how each supports the other. A great read for those who are all about either science, God or both like me!

The Name of the Wind is a book that I'm reading currently which is fantastic! I equate it to Harry Potter but for adults (like those who read HP aren't adults). It's about a man named Kvothe who is famous in his world. There are things in his past that have made him famous but, just like in our world, people believe what they want to believe and so his past is a bit blurry. A scribe nicknamed the Chronicler goes to look for Kvothe to find out the true story of his life. The scribe finds Kvothe and makes a deal that Kvothe can't refuse and so the story beings. The story is told in first person as Kovthe is the narrator of his own life. It is written beautifully; full of metaphors. I can't put it down. Its great!

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