Friday, March 27, 2009

Two for One

It's been a while since I've had time to write but I have had time to read two books, so I'll give you my review on both of them.
The first is called Girl Meets God. It was a fantastic book about a Orthodox Jewish college student who discovers Christ and becomes a Christian. As most know, there are similarities in these two religions but there is one BIG difference.
This book is a memoir by Lauren Winner and her struggles with telling her old friends that she's converted and keeping her new Christian friends. It also deals with her struggles with humanity, love, friendships and how to blend her old Jewish life with her new Christian one.
It's a great book for everyone looking for a little guidance in all things religious. I would also say that it's educational because the author talks about both Jewish and Christian traditions. GREAT BOOK!

The second book that I've read is The Reader by Bernard Schlink. Though it was a well written book with a interesting plot, I felt a little let down about "the secret" that the main character, Hanna, was carrying. It was kind of ironic because it was in a book and you have to know how to do something to be able to read (if you've read the book, you might understand this comment). But I thought that it was going to be this crazy, chaotic secret that is life shattering; it was very anti-climactic. But I do recommend reading it. The only other problem that I had was because they made a movie of it and then I read it, I could only imagine Kate Winslet as Hanna but I guess that's my own fault. I am excited to see the movie now and see what they did with the book and its "secret".

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